Saturday, August 31, 2019

Education system essay Essay

From the articles I have read, it seems as though parents, teachers, and the education system continue to blame one another for poor student performance in school and on state tests. However, I believe that each of these groups plays a key role in student success or failure. School administration and board members seem to be completely oblivious to the real reasons students perform poorly and parents lack involvment in their children’s schooling and education at home. I do believe that income does play a key role in education, however, I don’t agree with it. Schools in low income neighborhoods don’t recieve the proper funding to provide students with the materials they need to be successful in school, but the students don’t score high enough on state tests to earn the school money for these materials; it’s a lose lose situation (Barbanel, 2002). For these issues, I believe the lack of government involvment and recognition is the cause of student failure. Despite all these factors, students should also be held accountable for being successful in school. Even if schools recieve proper funding, materials, and training, it is ultimately up to the student to stay motivated to succeed. From personal experience, I found that it was much easier to stay motivated in classes that I felt engaged in. The classes that teachers made a connection with me in and really knew their stuff were always the classes I had a higher success rate in. I think teacher involvement is a huge deal in school, it makes a student want to go to school, and feel like they belong rather than just going because they have to. Recently, Maine and fourty-four other states have adopted the new Common Core standards that will make academic standards even higher for kids in grades K-12 (Gallagher, 2013). The purpose of these standards is to increase critical thinking skills and teach students to solve problems on their own. Common Core is designed to allow teachers to be facilitators and students to take responsiblity for their own education. However, as positive and ecouraging as Common Core sounds, experts say that a drop as high as 40% will be seen in the new testing in 2015 (Gallagher, 2013). ____________________________________________________________ BARBANEL, J. (2002, March 31). Elementary and Middle School Report Cards. Retrieved from The New York Times: Ghallagher, N. K. (2013, July 7). Back-to-school means facing tougher academic standards this fall | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME. Retrieved from

Compensation Decisions Essay

As a human resource manager, most people believe that our job is only to fix problems within the workplace or terminate employees who are not performing up to the standards of the company. Without knowing fully exactly what the position entails, this misconception will continue. Today I will be sharing a small yet important process that falls into the hands of the human resource manager. This process is the hiring process. It is a process that involves several steps to ensure that the company retains the best candidate possible to fulfill the position which is being offered. Within the hiring process fall several key components that help to ensure that the candidate will fit in with the structure of the company. Included in this process are recruiting, hiring, evaluating, and compensation. Each step has additional factors which play a part in the overall process. I will be breaking down the process by categories, and explaining in depth exactly what goes into selecting the future employee. To begin, as with any search we must first decide exactly what we are aiming to achieve. In order to narrow down the selection, as a department we must come up with key question that identify what qualities we are looking for to fulfill the position. This process can be easily accomplished by creating a task analysis. A task analysis will help to determine exactly what needs to be completed within the new position. A complied list of assignments that need to be fulfilled will help to create the job analysis. Once the task  analysis is completed, a job analysis can be formulated. With any job analysis, we aim to select the right candidate to ensure that the company’s goals will be reached. A job analysis consists of creating the job summary, identifying essential job functions, listing required knowledge, as well as experience an education, and identifying equipment needed to fulfill the position, and environmental factors. All of these components help in the process in selecting the ideal candidate. Creating a job analysis is harder than it seems. As the human resource manager, this step needs to be carefully considered, since if it is not done correctly can lead to deviance in the workplace. In an article Employee Deviance as a Response to Injustice and Task-Related Discontent, the author suggests that deviance in the workplace starts do to an injustice in task assignment which employees feel they are not treated fairly in assignments, and further they deviate from their assigned tasks. (Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, 2010) Believe it or not but workplace deviance stems from a poorly written job analysis, and a job description that is not detailed enough to fully explain the associated tasks that the position requires. With this being said, a properly written job analysis can combat these issues before they begin. Once the analysis is complete, and the job description is written, we move ahead to recruitment. This process ensures that the proper candidates are selected based on qualifying information from the job description. This step helps to eliminate any persons that may not fit the qualifications of the position, as well as the needs of the company. Recruitment can be critical since many factors need to be considered. One factor would be how you chose to recruit for the position. For this position we as a department chose to recruit online by using various websites, such as This made the application process simple, since the candidates are able to apply at their convenience and it elevates setting aside time for both the candidate and the company to have applications accepted on site. This form of recruitment also helps the human resource department in selecting the candidates that host the qualifications that are required to fulfill the position. Recruitment strategies often help to determine if the candidates selected posses the proper skills set and knowledge that is needed to perform the job to the best of their ability. I must agree that recruitment is a tricky part  of the process. Having individuals present themselves on paper and recruiting them in person is a tough decision to make, and one that can impact the entire working environment as a whole. Once the recruitment selection has been completed, crucial factors come into pay such as compensation and evaluations. Compensation is offered upon employment, yet after an evaluation is completed, compensation can be adjusted based on performance. With the current recession, compensation decisions can be challenging, yet need to be expressed in order to keep costs down, while still retaining qualified employees. As stated in the article, Compensation Challenges, â€Å"If key business generators perceive their compensation to be inadequate, or their company to be at risk of floundering, they may take their business skills and leave† (Cotterwjan, 2009). This serves to be true, so compensation is a critical key in retaining employees. If not compensated to what the employee feels is adequate than the risk factor of the employee leaving becomes an issue. This will create more spending to recruit, and costs to train another individual for the position. That in itself does not help to cut cost but just the opposite and raises them. One way to make sure that compensation decision making is done correctly, author of Show Them the Money†¦Really! suggests that in a recession what you pay still matters. Alexander suggests that instead of undercutting now to save money, ultimately you will pay more. (Alexander, 2009) Once the economy starts to change, you will be forced to shell out more money for higher paying salaries to maintain the employees that you have, or replace the ones that have left. This holds true with any profession, even though at the current time the employers have the upper hand because people outnumber the available positions, as the market starts to change, the people will relocate to a higher paying position with another company. Deciding what compensation should be should be weighed on certain factors such as experience, knowledge of the field and qualities that they bring to the company. It should not reflect the current economy, since that is always changing. When deciding the compensation for the team for this assignment, I asked myself the same two questions that were asked in the article Learning and the Form of Compensation which were, â€Å"Firstly, do employers learn more quickly about workers who are paid for performance than  about those who are not? Secondly, d oes learning about performance pay workers depend on the specific form of performance pay?† (Hoon, 2013) After carefully reading the evaluations of the employees I thought about the previous questions. What did I really know about the evaluations in front of me? I was only able to take what was presented and compensate according to their reviews. This makes it very difficult for a human resource manager to approve any increases since what a supervisor may feel is warranted, human resources may not be able to support the increase without knowing fully what that employee brings to the table. Since in bigger businesses, the human resource department is not familiar with the backgrounds of the employees, than it becomes the responsibility of the direct supervisor to relay any pertinent information in the evaluation to support their decisions. Since starting this assignment, I would have to say that I was unaware of all the work that goes into the entire process and how many little things can affect the outcome if not done correctly. As a employee it seems easy to state that there is a new position available, but if that position is not described correctly the entire process could prove to be costly for the company, and not beneficial considering all the time and effort that is set forth in the entire process. Not only is the process time consuming, it lays out the guidelines for the position, and what is expected for the future employee. Without the proper guidelines, this process would not be as effective as it is today. Reference Alexander, J. (2009). Show Them The Money†¦.Really! Business NH Magazine , 33. Cotterwjan, J. D. (2009). Compensation Chellenges. Law Practice: The Business Of Practicing Law , 47-49. Hoon, B. (2013). Learning and the Form of Compensation. Journal of Labor Research , 79-98. Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, P. (2010). Employee Deviance as a Response to Injustice and Task-Related Disconnect. Psychologist-Manager Journal , 131-146.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Demand vs Supply Essay

The two main driving forces of the economy are supply and demand. Understanding the basic concepts of supply and demand can help an organization focus on the bottom line. According to Gretzen (2007), demand is the relationship between price and quantity. Supply refers to the amount of a good or service available at any particular price. The principle of supply and demand describes a balance that develops between the supply of an item or service and the demand for it (Kleinman, 2009). Economics plays a major role in the health care industry. As a resource, the health care workforce is a determinant of the balance between supply and demand. The health care workforce consists of nurses, physicians, and other ancillary health care workers such as certified nurses’ aides (CNA’s) and patient care associates (PCA’s). The supply of health care workers directly impacts the demand of quality care rendered to patients. SERVICE OR PRODUCT Health care organizations have specific stated missions and visions to map out their fundamental way of operation. In health care, the workforce is instrumental in assisting with the organizational delivery of services to consumers (patients). The primary issue for all health care workforce personnel is that of inadequate staffing. This paper focuses on the staffing effectiveness of supplemental staffing of health care personnel within the inpatient setting. IMPACT Nursing managers formulate staffing patterns on a daily basis. The staffing of inpatient units requires a knowledge of unit census (total bed capacity),  consideration of patient acuity (level of care required for the patient), and skill mix (nursing hours per patient per day and nurse patient ratio) (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2002). Often times, inadequate staffing is due to a high rate of call outs of sickness or other emergencies. Inadequate staffing directly impacts patient safety and quality of care. All health care titles render supplemental staffing coverage in one of two ways, overtime and through per-diem agencies. Overtime employment provides regular full time employees with monies set at a rate of time and half for any extra work completed over the prescribed 40 hours a week. Per-diem agencies are outside contractors capable of providing their own qualified titled personnel to fill vacancies with monies defined at a set rate. Patients are admitted to inpatient setting with varied co-morbidities may or may not indirectly increase the necessity of staff. Patients are often admitted for diagnoses of altered mental status, agitation / combativeness, risk for falls, suicidal ideation, and alcohol or drug intoxication. Many patients require a higher level of skilled care, such as turning and repositioning, and assistance with activities of daily living such as toileting and eating. It requires a higher staff to patient ratio to provide safe, effective quality care. PERSPECTIVE AND RATIONALE According to published reports there are key factors affecting the adequacy of the health care workforce. Some key factors include an aging workforce of where 40 percent of practicing physicians are older than 55, and one-third of the nursing workforce is over 50 with a majority of both professionals seeking to retire within the next 10 years (Alliance for Health Reform, 2011). The largest groups of health professionals in the United States are composed of Registered Nurses. Statistically, there is a huge decline in the numbers of nurses within all regions of the U.S. An estimated 118,000 FTE RNs will exit the workforce within the next five years (Staiger, Auerbac, & Buerhaus, 2012). This potentially leaves a major void in terms of numbers of bodies needed to fill vacated positions. Low staffing levels are associated with higher rates of adverse outcomes that are directly sensitive to nursing attention, such as urinary tract infections, pneumonia, pressure ulcers, and falls (American Federation of Teachers, 2012). Unintended additional costs  associated with the development of complications in patients are greater than labor savings when units are understaffed. Acquiring pressure ulcers are estimated to cost the health care industry $8.5 billion per year (Kleinman, 2009) Overtime costs and per-diem agency costs can’t stand alone to solve the issues of staffing shortage. Their combined usage enables institutions to deliver optimal health care services to consumers/ patients. The supply of overtime and per-diem staff meets the increased demands of patients. It also assists in the delivery of quality care through services rendered. In terms of patient safety, the potentiality of the risk of injury to patients via falls, medication errors, and or sentinel events decreases. CONCLUSION The United States is a great consumer demand for health care services. The supply of such services is affected by varied factors. These factors directly influence the financial stability of health care organizations. Recessional times cause delays in career and retirement plans for health care professionals. In recessional times, there are noted changes in the supply and demand of the health care workforce. The shortage of registered nurses and providers in the workforce may inadvertently lead to a reduction in health care access for consumers. Inadequate staffing levels place heavy burdens on the nursing staff. Adverse events such as falls, hospital acquired infections and medication errors are potentially painful and life threatening events. Adverse events can result in considerable costs to be paid by the understaffed institution. For this reason alone, supplemental staffing via agency and overtime personnel provides a measure of increased patient safety. The future is trending towards the assistance in the recovery of the health care workforce shortage. It will rely heavily on the provisions made by the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Alliance for health reform, 2011). Recruitment and reinvestment in health care professions especially nurses and physicians will assure sufficient supply of workforce personnel to meet the increased demands of health care economy and its’ consumers( Kaiser Foundation (2012). The Joint Commission bolsters workforce infrastructure through in-service and continuing education, supporting nursing education, and the adoption of set staffing levels based on  competency and skill mix relative to patient mix and acuity (Stanton, 2012). It also supports the establishment of financial incentives for health care organizations investing in nursing and workforce services. REFERENCES Alliance for Health Reform. (April, 2011). Health care workforce: Future Supply vs. Demand. Retrieved from / health_care_workforce. American Federation of Teachers. (2012). Issues: Healthcare Staffing. Retrieved from Changes in Health Care Financing & Organization. (August, 2009). Issue brief: Impact of the economy on health care. Retrieved from /files/hvfo/findings0809.pdf Getzen, T.E. (2007). Health economics and financing. (3rd ed.). John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Kleinman, C. (2009). Health care supply & demand. Retrieved from Staiger, D. O., Auerbach, D. I., & Buerhaus, P. I. (2012, April). Registered nurse labor supply and the recession- Are we in a bubble? New England Journal of Medicine, (366), 1463-1465. Stanton, M. (2012). Hospital nurse staffing and quality of care. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (July, 2002). Projected supply, demand, and shortages of registered nurses: 2000- 2020. Retrieved from The Kaiser Foundation. (2012). Nursing workforce: Background brief. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Role Of Women Until 1500 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Role Of Women Until 1500 - Research Paper Example The difference focused on the amount of freedom given to women. Prior to the Vedas age, women were well taken care of but there were no opportunities for them to own properties. Their status was subordinate to men. During the Vedas age, women were of equivalent status with men. There have been fewer restrictions in a woman’s freedom at that time. Women have an active role, not only in managing the household but also in managing agriculture and crafts that bring business and money in for the family. The primary reason for this is that men were unavailable because of the wars at that time. And so women are allowed and given the chance to take care of the economic aspect of their families. As the years pass by, women gained more mobility and freedom though still tied to their roles as wives to their husbands. Though they had acquired freedom in education, career and independence, they were still seen as the counterparts of men, establishing the fact that women’s primary role is to be a partner to their husbands. Men and women have joint ownership on properties and estates. Women had the right to inheritance and to own properties as men had. Women are allowed to participate in intellectual discussions. High-class women of the society are well-educated. Women are not limited to their careers as wives and mothers. They were part of the working class. Society allowed them to nurture and pursue careers that they have longed studied and mastered. Women were also free to participate in religious ceremonies. Even if the wife is supposed to be the caretaker of the husband and the family, a counterpart of the husband, their role were significant as to understanding that a home is incomplete without the wife who manages it. Before the 1500s arrived, changes in the roles and position of women happened. At the time when war was rampant, the duty of the women to bear sons was important. 500 B.C. to 500 A.D. were better times

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Stage writing 4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stage writing 4 - Research Paper Example or even viewing aggression purges angry feelings and aggressive impulses into harmless channels† (Bushman & Whitaker, 2010, 790), the authors aimed to validate whether playing violent games would serve as a form of catharsis or purging to release one’s anger. Right after the introductory paragraph, the authors made reference to other research studies made on the subject of determining the validity of the catharsis theory through violent video games. However, as clearly indicated, the authors did not aim to validate the catharsis theory but to test the hypothesis that â€Å"belief in catharsis increases attraction to violent games, especially among people who want to get rid of their anger† (Bushman & Whitaker, 790). The study was an experimental type of research with a methodology that requires the participants to complete three distinct tasks in two experiments. The analysis required multiple regression with centered predictor variables, simple-effect analysis, and 3-analysis of variance, as clearly indicated under results and discussion portions of each experiment. The authors claimed that experiments 1 and 2 generated conclusive and practically the same results which clearly validated the identified hypothesis. Bushman & Whitaker emphasized that the strong attraction to play violent video games were predominantly focused on â€Å"angry people led to believe in catharsis† (Bushman & Whitaker, 791). The claims were stated under the results and discussion portions of the article after each experimental procedure. The claims could not be absolutely validated because as the authors indicated, this is the first research which used experimental method to address the question of determining people’s being attracted to violent entertainment or to violent video games. Likewise, the authors did not indicate any limitations of their study which could include a closer focus on the gender has

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Scholarly Research Writing Assignment on Nursing Paper

Scholarly Writing Assignment on Nursing - Research Paper Example Health and Illness Health, illness, psychosocial aspects of health and their interrelations are an area that receives much debate among medical practitioners, psychologists and other stakeholders besides being accompanied by confusion among the public. Questions abound about the difference between health and illness and whether the absence of one translates to presence of the other, whether they are absolute or relative terms and particularly whether health means absence of all diseases in an individual’s body. The role of personal attitudes in disease causation and development in relation to the known psychosocial aspects of health and illness also elicits discussion. This calls for studies into the existing evidence on the entire concept of health, illness and the psychological influences on the two. 1. Health and Illness Before the two concepts can be compared and contrasted, it is important to understand why there is a need to define each of them. Data on morbidity is an i mportant aspect in healthcare systems around the world, and the views of individuals or societies on what health is and what it means to be ill is crucial to epidemiology. Different sections of the society seem to have different perspectives on the two concepts; lay people have their own views not necessarily based on biomedical tenets while even expert opinion appears unresolved. Moreover, illness and health perspectives or traditions impact the decisions of individuals to seek medical care or other alternatives. The patients’ views on health also may have an interesting comparison to what a medical practitioner diagnoses (Unden and Elofsson, 2001). Health is usually defined as a state, meaning that it is absolute rather than relative. In the state of health, one is completely well in terms of physical, social and psychological aspects. This description of health means that absence of diagnosable disease is not the only qualifier to determine whether a person is healthy or n ot. The other aspect that can be derived from this definition is that health is a positive concept. Illness on the other hand is defined as a state of not being well as self-reported by a patient. It is based on the physical or psychological symptoms that the patient reports and can vary from minor problems to serious ones. Illness is thus a negative concept. However, the health and illness concepts have been understood in several different perspectives. Most people’s understanding is that the two terms have an inverse relationship in that the more there is of one, the less there is of the other. This creates a scenario where health is not viewed as an absolute state and rather much of a relative state. Further perspectives are that health is an entirely different concept unrelated to illness hence definitions such as the capacity of action towards goals that are vital or the possibility of living meaningfully (Wikman, Marklund and Alexanderson, 2004). Van Dalen, Williams and Gudex (1994) explored the views of lay people on the concepts of health and illness. They found that the two concepts were closely related to such individuals, with health being termed as the absence of illness. Other individuals stated that health is the functional capacity of an individual, while other groups related it to fitness. Their study found out that personal health was less related to the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Beethoven's Hearing Loss & Its Effect On His Music Research Paper

Beethoven's Hearing Loss & Its Effect On His Music - Research Paper Example He was born in 1770 and in around 1800, his hearing sense started to deplete with every passing day and in some years, he was totally deaf to hear anything around him. This sorrowful event in his life did not only affect his life, rather his whole career was at the stake and he had to abandon the pianist classes and performances. Ludvig continued to compose different lyrics for music and shows but his art of singing and performing live was depleting swiftly. He was of the view the music is being affected badly by his performance being deaf. Dissonant harmonies are a must to feel and hear when you are performing on a public platform to imbibe and integrate the learning capacity in music. He as not unable to hear anything thus he had to leave singing and performing in the general masses1. The early strike of deafness isolated Ludvig Beethoven because of the fact that this great artist was at the peak of his career when the deafness started. Experts are of the view that if this deafness would not have been struck Ludvig , he would have become a great director and virtuoso pianist. Ludvig was a man of a few words form the very first day and his aim was only to performance rather than to speak but deafness forced him to stay out of any social circle. The deafness was very slow and growing erratically. The slow augmentation of hearing problems broke the heart of Beethoven and pushed him to leave his career. Many artists tried to make Ludvig understand the fact that there is a peculiar originality in hiswork because when person hears other sounds, there is an increased chance and tendency of copying the content whereas in case of Ludvig, there was uniqueness and creativity not only in his work but also in his style, his pianist approach, his lyrics but all these motivation could not inject the sense of performing and singing in front of people because he thought it would affect the music itself. When Ludvig was 26 years old, in the year of 1796, he started to experien ce the symptoms of deafness when he heard the tinnitus, a "ringing" in his ears. According to the letter written by Beethoven to his friendin 1801, it is depicted that Beethoven always wanted to continue his career at the start when the magnitude of the deafness was not known to anyone. He wrote to his friends that these days heis suffering from hear loss symptoms and how he is much worried about the effect of this problem on his profession. Beethoven continued to go for the musical concerts and public events despite of the deteriorating hearing condition. In the stage performance of his Ninth Symphony, he had to move his face towards the audience to experience the big applause on his performance. He was so shocked on this that he wept in front of the whole audience2. Many experts and historians are of the view that Beethoven wanted to appear in pubic even after the depletion of his hearing power because at the start, he said that hearing has nothing to do with singing and I can con tinue with my career. But after a failed public attempt in 1811 to perform his own Piano Concerto No. 5 (the "Emperor"), he never tried to perform in public again and his perception about the links between deafness and singing were revamped. He said that due to the inability to understand and evaluate one’s performance with his own ear, it is not possible to keep

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Personal Statement of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Statement of Ethics - Essay Example When I was a child, my concept of ethics has been confined in being good and right to the people within my small circle. However, as I grew older and exposed to the realities of this world, I begin to learn that ethics is more than just pleasing the people which are around me. I realize that in order to maintain my integrity and credibility as an individual, I should be able to establish my own ethical standards backed by what I believe to be morally excellent. As I go about making my own stand, I learn that upholding my ethical beliefs is a struggle where I need to battle with the conflicting ideologies of the people around me. I begin to understand that what my parents taught me are quite shallow compared to what I learn with my various experiences yet they provide a good foundation of how to decide whether something is acceptable or not. My definition of ethics goes beyond what is socially acceptable as right. Looking at the current world situation, it now appears that our society have tolerated and absorbed previously unethical behaviors and added them into our value system. For instance, I strongly assert that gay marriage is not ethically because it destroys the original purpose of a woman's creation that is, to be the completeness of a man.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

New media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New media - Essay Example New Media The beginning of new media technologies has certainly resulted in the creation of way for scientific revolution around the globe and it continues to revolutionize the universal, communal, and financial settings of nations applying these technologies. It is interesting to consider that urbanized nations have turn into ‘knowledge societies’ as a result of this technological revolution and the majority of developing nations are making effort to bridge the digital divide by promoting the utilization of new media technologies. Digital divide exits in developing and under-developed nations because the majority of individuals still have no access to new media technologies. This is perhaps because of the fact that new media technologies are not available in the region where they live or because they cannot meet the expense of using such facilities (Gane & Beer, 2008). The emergence of new media technologies has affected hypothetical as well as practical suppositions re garding the part of technology in socio-economic growth.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Garmin's Vivo Activity Tracker Line Term Paper

Garmin's Vivo Activity Tracker Line - Term Paper Example Developing high-quality data in the devices with measurements can give the company an improved accuracy, intelligence and position as a leading expert in terms of fitness and health. The data should comprise both burn and intake to give the ability to track maximizing accurate quality assessment. Thirdly, there is also the aim to appeal and identify unique user segments. As the firm’s market matures, it needs to have value propositions and focused customer agents. The credibility of being a trusted advisor can get achieved by rich connection and understanding with the company’s user base (Kotler & Kevin 54). Fourthly, Garmin will aim at building loyal customers. Creating a great users base community will be the major metric for the company in globalization space. The user base scale will develop more significant data and give great customer sharing that may only expand bolster user trust and loyalty. Fifthly, the company will use a platform technique. To develop a loyal user base and a lasting experience, Garmin will have to create a full end-to-end system that is functionally integrated. It should base on a uniting platform of the customers community and easily allow digital services, apps, accessories, and devices series are working together. Thus, this path can get achieved through organically developing full ecosystem part or rich partnerships. Lastly, following the above objective, Garmin will aim at building strategic partnerships. Being more intimate with customers’ needs meeting them and understanding where they are in fitness and health life. It means developing partnerships and affiliations with trainers, fitness programs, gyms, professional athletes, diet programs, corporate wellness programs, and insurance providers. It will provide an opportunity to broaden and scale user base at a low-cost marketing/sales model (Kotler & Kevin 36). Garmin’s primary target market will