Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Stage writing 4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stage writing 4 - Research Paper Example or even viewing aggression purges angry feelings and aggressive impulses into harmless channels† (Bushman & Whitaker, 2010, 790), the authors aimed to validate whether playing violent games would serve as a form of catharsis or purging to release one’s anger. Right after the introductory paragraph, the authors made reference to other research studies made on the subject of determining the validity of the catharsis theory through violent video games. However, as clearly indicated, the authors did not aim to validate the catharsis theory but to test the hypothesis that â€Å"belief in catharsis increases attraction to violent games, especially among people who want to get rid of their anger† (Bushman & Whitaker, 790). The study was an experimental type of research with a methodology that requires the participants to complete three distinct tasks in two experiments. The analysis required multiple regression with centered predictor variables, simple-effect analysis, and 3-analysis of variance, as clearly indicated under results and discussion portions of each experiment. The authors claimed that experiments 1 and 2 generated conclusive and practically the same results which clearly validated the identified hypothesis. Bushman & Whitaker emphasized that the strong attraction to play violent video games were predominantly focused on â€Å"angry people led to believe in catharsis† (Bushman & Whitaker, 791). The claims were stated under the results and discussion portions of the article after each experimental procedure. The claims could not be absolutely validated because as the authors indicated, this is the first research which used experimental method to address the question of determining people’s being attracted to violent entertainment or to violent video games. Likewise, the authors did not indicate any limitations of their study which could include a closer focus on the gender has

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