Sunday, August 25, 2019

Personal Statement of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Statement of Ethics - Essay Example When I was a child, my concept of ethics has been confined in being good and right to the people within my small circle. However, as I grew older and exposed to the realities of this world, I begin to learn that ethics is more than just pleasing the people which are around me. I realize that in order to maintain my integrity and credibility as an individual, I should be able to establish my own ethical standards backed by what I believe to be morally excellent. As I go about making my own stand, I learn that upholding my ethical beliefs is a struggle where I need to battle with the conflicting ideologies of the people around me. I begin to understand that what my parents taught me are quite shallow compared to what I learn with my various experiences yet they provide a good foundation of how to decide whether something is acceptable or not. My definition of ethics goes beyond what is socially acceptable as right. Looking at the current world situation, it now appears that our society have tolerated and absorbed previously unethical behaviors and added them into our value system. For instance, I strongly assert that gay marriage is not ethically because it destroys the original purpose of a woman's creation that is, to be the completeness of a man.

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